Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mt. Gambier

I am a little behind in my postings again, my blogger was conducting some sort of 'houseworking' chores and would not allow me to upload photos, comment or even type a draft.  So I pulled out a book and started reading it, which then lent me to the next night, wanting to finish that book, because I can't not finish a book once it has been begun.
The book I read is called Blast from the Past written by Ben Elton.  It was ok as books go, but not enough to send me running out to proclaim it a 'must read'.  
Have you read any Ben Elton books?  I think this is about the third/fourth of his that I have read, and it's not my favourite.  

Anyways, now blogger has finished with it's chores, I am back and madly catching up with our travels.  I am surrounded by my scribble notes here and photos, trying to not put too many up to scare you away, however, wanting to record my travels at the same time for my own future 'wander down memory lane' type readings. 

A wet and blustery day greeted us in Mt. Gambier which sent us searching for indoors-y type things so we headed to the Lady Nelson Information and Discovery Centre.
This was a wealth of information and although lots of reading, the boys enjoyed it too.  

It did open up a whole lot of questions for me, and I would like to find more reading material when I get home and after my studies are finished.  

But to share with you a bit of it, here goes -

Ever wondered how to cook an Emu, stone oven style?  
Wonder no longer.  

Big brother helping little brother through the exhibits.

I don't know how clear this is to read but if you want to, just click on the photo to enlarge them on another page.
Just some interesting info on the pine forests, they are as far as the eye can see
pine trees after pine trees after pine trees.  Just mind boggling as to how much
there is.  

There is talk of the S.A. government selling these pine forests off.
My usual curiosity got the better of me and the opportunity to talk to some locals about the area and find out about the pine forests.  They say the state is in huge debt and is hoping to pay some of it off with the money made from the sale of these pine forests.
They are not happy, not happy at all.  I don't know enough about it to make a comment, but it is a little alarming to think that more of Australia is being owned by overseas.  One particular local made a comment that 1 in 10 vineyards here was owned off shore and just managed by Aussies.  I have not heard this before, however, I will certainly be asking such when we visit them soon.  

Why is the Blue Lake so blue?  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Blue Lake, so pretty and above is the reason why.

The Blue Lake, can you see close to the edges there it almost goes a lovely turquoise colour.  

Lucky for us, the rain stopped long enough for a walk, how good it was to be outdoors
and stretch our legs.  We walked up to check out the view at Centenary Tower and wow, it was certainly worth it.  So beautiful.

More stunning views.  

Lucky for us, the rain decided to hold out a bit longer and we made it to  Umpherston Sinkhole before it got too dark.  Now this is a sight to see, beautiful gardens.  We did not stay to wait the possums, it was clouding over fast and we were feeling lucky enough to have been able to get out and see what we had seen.  

Thanks so much for visiting my place, I hope you are keeping well and if you are cold, that you have enough warmness, and if you are hot then you have enough coolness to bring contentment to your senses.  

Posted by Gypsy Joyce who is halfway through her travels with her little family.

1 comment:

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Gosh seeing your photos brought back memories. It seems like forever since I was in Mt Gambier. Thanks for sharing them.