Friday, March 25, 2011

b r e a t h e

(An original illustration by E.H. Shepard)

Pooh looked at his two paws.  He knew that one of them was the right and he knew that when you had decided which one of them was the right, then the other was the left, but he could never remember how to begin.

I am feeling a little like Pooh Bear this week, just a little.  *sigh*, but this post signals the end of the week, it signals taking that little breath, there are not to be any stories or adventures from me, just a little hello to you all and a reminder to take a moment for yourself too.

We love you Pooh Bear, we love you.  

Thanks so much for stopping by my place, have a wonderful weekend at your place.  



Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Dear Joyce, thank you so much for making scarves for the children. I'm sure they are going to be beautiful. Hoping you have a nice quiet weekend planned where you can just be for a bit. Love to you xxx

TK said...

sending you love and hugs, TK xx

Beansieleigh said...

Breathe.. Thank Heaven we do it automatically, right Joyce?.. I'd never REMEMBER to, if it was left up to me! Time flies by in such a hurry, and I can get so stressed sometimes, trying to get it ALL done... all the responsibilities, the decisions, the projects... I was watching Oprah the other day, and she was stressing the importance of breathing. Take even just a minute each day, then build up to eventually 15, to just sit in silence, alone, and breathe... They say it works wonders! As for me, I'll have to see if I can fit that into my schedule! (0; Have a great weekend! ~tina