Saturday, July 16, 2011

you and me.

How are you weekending?

Soccer is done for us for the weekend, we managed an early marathon of both boys playing at 9am seemingly at opposite ends of the earth.  Hubbie collecting and dropping off of various friends and offspring, then picking them all back up and dropping/collecting them back to where they belonged.  Thanks to wonderful friends, and an awesome Hubbie, all our kids and their mates got to their required games in record time.  As for me, I was dropped off at our local sports store who very generously donated to our club to raffle, a treadmill and they offered us a table outside their store to sell the raffle tickets this morning.  

*phew* all turned out rather quite well, we are all home and snug and warm out of the cold and wet and I am about to sink my teeth into one very cosy Saturday afternoon.  

I am very aware that holidays are almost over, I gave myself one week off the study books, I thought that was fair.  I am cramming in the crochet while I can.  

This is a lovely little pattern from my 200 crochet blocks book.  I love it.
This is a sample square, I am going to undo it and turn it into a scarf, using this lovely pale blue cotton yarn.  It really is a very pretty pale blue, despite the cloudy, rainy shade of grey that is photographed here, which perfectly matches our weather today.

I am also loving, and finally starting, a granny stripes pram/cot rug.  

Do you have a few crafty things going at once?


That's ok then, 'cause I do too.  

Let's multi craft together!  

I like that!

You over there, me over here, together!

Thanks for stopping by my place today, and have a most wonderful weekend at your place.