Friday, February 4, 2011


. . . . breathe  - - - -  in. . . . 

. . . . breathe  - - - -  out. . . .

. . . . lift your shoulders. . . . gently. . roll. . back. . your. . head. . . .

. . . . drop. . your. . shoulders. . . . and. . . .b-r-e-a-t-h-e-. . . . . .

No stories, no adventures - just a photo - just a breath - just 'be'.

Bless. xx


Anonymous said...

I actually really needed this post - thank-you! I try to remind myself to do some consious breathing each day. I think it's so important!

'Joyce' said...

Hullo Jacqui, oh ditto to your comment. I just sat down and did this post, because there seems to be a raging torrent of 'stuff' in my head and I needed to just stop. Take care of you and have a wonderful weekend.
My breathing moment is over now, but I am ready to take on the rest of my day with new energy - I can do it - I know I can. lol.

Zyatica said...

Thankyou... I so needed this post after this week which has been up and down..


Colette said...

Such good advice - I never take enough time to just be, I will try harder!

Jacey said...

Thankyou for that I feel much better now! xx