Monday, October 10, 2011

Every Girl Should Have One.

It doesn't need to be big.

 It just has to be hers.

Her very own little nest egg.

Dedicated to my Grandma and Nanna.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bring back Groovy

It's back, it's in fashion, it's now and it's happening.  Wanna know why?  Cause I said so!!  Yup, that's why, Joyce said so.

She's feelin' groovy.

We are still school holiday-ing here, and it's now wind down mode.  School and work goes back Monday, we are 4 lazy, groovy, chillin' days away from hectic.  

It's only been 20 days since my last post and let's just say 'where did those 20 days go??'

I'll tell you where they went, they went fast, they went busy, and they went down the history line behind us.  We left a little trail of bits of us along the way through work, school, and play.  Bits of us that connected with bits of others that joined with others again, that form part of the fabric of what will become our memories and our past.  

I am glad to be back in blogland, I have some most groovy news to share with you all too.

It's now official, I am now a qualified Teachers Aide (special) - yup, that is not a typo, it's true!  I did it.  Yeah, big deal it's only a TAFE certificate - BUT IT'S GOT MY NAME ALL OVER IT.  School was tough for me, the whole way through, I just never 'got it'.  So at age 42, I am pretty pleased and a little surprised to have completed my course 3.5 months ahead of schedule.  

More news - I have booked and paid for my first ever market stall table - *shivers* - what am I getting myself into!! Be groovy Joyce, be groovy!!

I am excited and nervous and scared and giggly all at once about it.  It's the Made with Love Markets which are on the 4th December 2011.  I am currently making like a mad woman to prepare for the markets.  I have also been getting orders here and there, that I have been making and sending as well.  I will share pics of what I have made very soon, I also have a few items that I have sent out to some very trusted testers of which they are testing for me and will report back to me with their findings.  (thank you ladies for your invaluable assistance, I owe you forever).

The last piece of news is, I am now a year older.  I turned 42 this week and I love it.  I am not a fan of odd numbers, don't ask me why, I have no idea.  I was so happy to turn 42, and I just know it's going to be a magical year.  

I have a little fan page on facebook if you would like to stop by and see a few of the bits and pieces that I have been making and selling lately.  I haven't put much up lately, as I am currently donating a few dilly bags filled with hair ties for fundraising and working on them, plus I am trying to stock up on market items, and fill a few extra orders that have come in.

In a Joyce style nut-shell, that's me and mine for the last 20 days.  

So how are you and yours?  Are you feelin' groovy too?

Thanks so much for stopping by my place, enjoy the ride and have a wonderful rest of week at your place.  
