Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bye Bye Bliss - Hello Clocks

All good things must come to an end, for now anyways. It's these beautiful spaces of time in our lives that we live for, we plan for, we count down for, and when they arrive, we live and love each moment of them, dragging them out for as long as we possibly can.

Waking each morning with the freedom of our day spanning widely and enticingly in front of us. Hmmmm, where to start, what to do. This time of year, it's the beach for us. In the morning, in the evening, meeting up with friends, family, making new little friends, no matter what beach we visit, there are adventures to be had, waves to bash, sand to be dug into and drawn on.

We love the long drawn out days with no time to keep us in check. We eat when hungry, we swim when hot, we read, colour in, listen to music, play board games to relax. Although the weather is still gloriously perfect, tomorrow, school socks go onto brown little toes, lunches get packed, and the clock is very much the ruler of the household once again.

Not that it's a bad thing, because if we didn't have our little seasons of 'bliss', and each day was the same, over and over, then what is there to plan for, to look forward to and to appreciate when it comes around? Besides, the beach will still be there, waiting for little brown feet with sock elastic marks and bits of blue fluff stuck to sweaty toes, to run across down to the cooling waves at 3pm each day.

To the Mum's out there that are packing their first, middle, last child off to school for the first time, I feel your hearts bursting with pride for your 'babies', I feel you reminiscing the last 5 years of your little one remembering when they were born, remembering their first steps, lingering by their bed for that extra moment watching them sleep tonight. (I am one of these Mum's too) The tears of Mum's everywhere for our babies, the 'gulp' in the throat, it's a mixture of pride, sadness at time gone so quickly, excitement for the adventures that are ahead of them, little bits of fear that they cope ok, and make lots of little friends and are happy at school and don't miss us too much - we are allowed to cry, didn't we cry when we found out we were pregnant, I know I certainly did, and I cried when they were born too. I almost cried when my youngest said to me a few weeks ago while grocery shopping, would I miss him when he went to school and I had to go to the shops by myself. lol.

Thinking of all the little ones, heading back to classrooms this week, catching up with friends, making new friends, meeting their new teachers, opening the pages of their new school books, armed with new pencils - what will the pages of their books be filled with for 2010, only time will tell.

Wishing you well as you open a new door for your little one this week to the adventures of school and all it has to offer.

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