Friday, February 5, 2010

Not Just on Valentines Day. . . . .

Whether you believe in the day or not, you cannot escape it really. Restaurants full to the brim of lovers celebrating their relationship, florists, bursting to the seems with imported roses of all colours, ready to be couriered out to offices, and homes all over the country, bottles of champagne on the chill ready to 'clink' in toast to the hours/years spent together. Umm-ing and pen chewing over what to write on the card that says just how we feel, but without sounding too soppy/daggy/desperate. Scented candles purchased for a romantic evening.

I have just done some research on how exactly Valentines Day come about, I am not going to post any of it here, because there are SOOOOO many different ideas. The most popular seemed to be that 'he' is St. Valentine who was executed on the 14th February, 269 AD for saying no to being asked to fight. Another website claims that St. Valentine was in love with the gaolers daughter and wrote poetry to her before he was executed, and so in his honour the 'love day' come about.

Well I do remember when I was a young-er thing, lol, of Valentines Day and all us girls in the office would almost hang off the couriers as they started to make their rounds to all the office buildings. Never to be disappointed, we were laden down on the train ride home, with all the other girls in the city and their bunches of roses, boxes of choccies and huge, big eyed teddy bears. Once we were home with our 'gifts' and mysterious handwritten/typed cards, it was quickly to dress and powder the nose (oh a can of hairspray in the 80's - and lots of black eyeliner for the 90's), ready for dinner at a very romantic location.

These days, for me, Valentine's Day is keeping close to my heart my family and friends, I much prefer choccies and flowers for any other day of the year than the 14th February. I don't like the fact that we have to be reminded to tell those closest to us that we love them by purchasing way over-priced items trussed up in red cellophane. (However, champagne and choccies will never be turned away here - lol.)

So I know it's still a whole week away yet, but I wish you all a lovely St. Valentines Day next Sunday, and that you be surrounded by all the 'loves' of your lives, with perhaps a little choccie and champagne. lol.

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