Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's A Happy Australia Day

Wishing you all a wonderful Australia Day. A day to celebrate the beautiful country we live in, a day to celebrate family and friends, celebrate the food, celebrate the sun, celebrate that beautiful sea breeze, celebrate the shade of a lush green tree that has seen many Australia Days gone by and sheltered hundreds of families and friends.

Our thoughts go to our Defence Men and Women that cannot be home to share this beautiful day with their loved ones. Thoughts go to those that fought for our country past and present, so that we can do this, picnic with our families and friends.

Thoughts go to our hard-working farmers that bring to us the best and the freshest produce all year round, that they get much needed rain on their crops, so that we can continue to enjoy such fresh and delish produce.

To those that are fighting fires across our country, our thoughts also go to you, that your loved ones and homes are safe.

To all volunteers across the land, THANK YOU, we say thank you for putting yourself out there to look after those that need help, from home care, nursing, SES, medical, without you, our country would not be the most wonderful place on earth to live.

To our Aussie wine and beer makers, hmmmm, what can I say - gotta love the home grown stuff, there is just no comparison, so Thank You.

Here's cheers to all Aussies all over the world.

1 comment:

  1. I keep popping in..but notice you haven't blogged for a while now..i do hope you are O.K.
    Will keep trying..Joy... May 6th 2010


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