Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Creative Space

I have joined in with Kirsty from kootoyoo with her 'creative space Thursday'. It's a lovely way to see where I am each week with what I am making and watching it grow to completion. I also love checking out what other talented crafters are doing out there too. So very inspiring.

This is my only current crochet project at the moment. *giggle* yes, surprise, surprise, normally there is more than one hook wrapped in a part treble. Not this week, it's been a busy week, but more about that later.

I could not decide which photo to use for my post today, so I thought I would share them all. I can do that, yes. . . . I can. The first pic you can see the granny squares that I shared in a previous post, I have used up all the yarn and ended up with enough to make a knee rug. (Unfortunately my ideas for my vencho or ponst did not work at all.) I then edged it in a plain neutral colour. The little flowers are going to go on the knee rug, cause I like flowers, and I am going to attempt a picot edge around the knee rug in the same yarn as the flowers to finish it off. I have only 7 flowers at the moment, but they are so quick and easy to do, I take them in the car to wait for the school bell each afternoon and so should have a few more done before the end of the week. Go here for this beautiful little flower. Thanks so much Marte for this lovely pattern. The only thing I do differently is I crochet 19 dc in the ring, instead of 20. This makes my flower petals on the next round evenly spaced, as I ended up with a gap as I come back to the first petal. I would like to make a necklace of these flowers, I really think they would make a lovely spring 'scarf'.

Thanks for checking out my creative space this Thursday, and I would love to know what you are making or in the middle of this week.

Keep Smilin' everyone will wonder just what you have been up to. *giggle*


  1. oooooh so pretty and they match you blog! My flowers never look at good...practice, practice, practice

  2. so glad you joined! i love those flowers! thanks for the link....cant wait to see your blanket. look at your followers grow! congrats!

  3. Those flowers are so cute! I'm definitely going to make some too!

  4. very cute flowers!!! They'll look lovely on your blanket!

  5. Those are wonderful! I am *really* going to sit down and figure out to crochet now. Can't wait to see the final rug!

  6. Thank you so much for your lovely comments. These flowers are super easy, if you can do basic crochet, get over there and start making them. If you cannot crochet, get over to Meet Me At Mike's, (it's in my blog roll), down the right hand side you will see Pip has a wonderful video tute and very clear instructions for learning the basics of crochet, which is how I got back on track. I can't wait to see your crochet projects come to life.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.