Thursday, June 24, 2010

Australia Has A New Prime Minister - It's A Girl!

Ok, so what do you do when you leave your crochet hook, yarn and crochet flowers in the car (from collecting school children and getting a few dc's done in the few minutes between arriving at school and the bell), the whole soccer training rush, then home again, and hubbie takes that car to his own soccer game, and you sit down to watch the 7pm ABC news, which you NEVER get time to sit down to watch, but today you DO make time to watch it, because you want to witness this historic day in Australian Politics, and realise that it actually is true and has happened, and see where our new leader plans to take us, and your hands are empty - uh-oh, you have left your current crochet project in the car ! ! ! !

Well, what do you do?? I will tell you what you do, you get another hook and yarn and you start a new project is what you do. Well that is what I do, cause I can't just sit in front of tv, with my hands not moving, however, I felt it was too important a bulletin to be washing up in the kitchen with my head crinked over my left shoulder to 'squizz' bits of the news either.

I then even indulged myself to continue to sit in front of the tv to then watch the 7.30 report.

Below is the result of the last hour.
Canberra isn't the only place that has been busy today.

Mine is going to hopefully look like this when finished, and if you prefer a knitted version, you can make one like this, but wait, there is more, if you prefer the fabric version, here is the place you need to be.

I am using an 8 ply yarn, and 4mm hook. I cast on 94 chain which measured 57.5cms long (22.5 inches).

I would like to say thank you to Michelle, Leonie and Kirsty for their patterns, and sharing on their blogs to the rest of the community.

As for what's happening in Canberra, I will leave that to those that know what they are talking about.


  1. Oh wow! You too? I really want to make one but waiting for the right yarn. I see you're using a 4mm hook. Is an aus 8 ply the same as a uk dk I wonder?

  2. Oh you have the hooky bug really good don't you? I feel inspired to dig out my crochet too.

  3. Yep, I can do that too, knitting is not my forte but I am quite fast at crochet, that is something that perhaps I might finish by next winter :-)

  4. Wow, you did all that in an hour?! *amazed* Very fast. Love the texture and colour + it looks like a gorgeous pattern.

    Got to do some shopping but I am determined that when I am home again, I am going to sit down and watch Pip's tutorials and learn to crochet.

  5. Oh I am now insanely jealous - I LOVE this shrug/wrap/cardy thing from the moment I first lay eyes on it a week or two ago & I think the crochet version is perhaps my favouritest!!!! You are one clever lady!!!

  6. Also many thanks for your support & help with my "tearing my hair out want to scream" status at the moment!!! It si so good to know that I am not alone!! Have peace & happiness this weekend with your crew!! TK xx

  7. Oh I get so excited when I see the juicy goodness that is craft. I love it, and thank you for visiting my little blog space. Fruitful Fusion I am sorry I can't help you with your enquiry re hook. I wonder if you can google a conversion? What does 'dk' stand for? Is that the same as a worsted yarn? Or is worsted an American term? lol, oh see I really don't know at all.

    Polka Dot Daze, what a lovely name for a blog, I love polka dots, reminds me of being a kid. Do get your hook out, I would love to see what you are making too.

    MonetPaisley - yes, crochet is faster also for me and it's more of a 'take anywhere' project which I love.

    Alysha - yes, it was very quick, I love it. I haven't progressed too much more since Thursday (studies), however, I have just passed the first armhole and loving it. Hope to get more done tonight.

    TK - I hope you had a lovely weekend in the end. It's so comforting to know that we are all 'in that space' at times and feel like we are going crazy.

    I am going to visit you all later tonight, once I have these monkeys to bed and kitchen cleaned. *sigh* I haven't been on here for a few days, and I am missing all the fun.

    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. I so appreciate it, and I look forward to visiting and commenting on your own blog places too.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.