Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Lovin'

Saturday morning soccer - my two little soccer champions ready to score some goals and play with their little friends.
I love how they love soccer.

Saturday night soccer - watching the big boys play and cheering on our team. I spent most of the time helping in canteen, but managed to sneak out for a bit to cheer along with my boys. It was a lovely night, we caught up with some friends there later on and their kids too.
I love hanging out with my boys.

Hmmmm, Sunday morning breakkie, oh how delish. My little one, digging into his pancakes, oh and yes, this is the plate/bowl he insisted on using. (Don't you just love those placemats!! lol - I made them myself *giggle*).
I love our lazy family breakkie.

A game of dominoes on the play rug. My little Minnie just lives in these chenille pants. He used to wear them when he was 3, and he still wears them now, although they are more like long shorts than pants. They have gotten quite thin now, but that doesn't stop him.
I love comfy pants and dominoes.

Ok, ok, yes, more yarn, but it's not my fault (again!!) you see I needed to get some yeast and semolina and garlic, cause I wanted to make a foccacia bread and, I asked if anyone wanted to come to the shops with me, they didn't, so I thought that if I was shopping alone, then it would be ok, to check out spotlight and see what knitting books they had, cause I am looking for a pattern for a cardigan/vest sort of thing, they didn't have what I was looking for, but, I found these lovely colours (above) and the yarn below was on SALE and not just a little bit on sale, it was 40% off - on sale type sale, and it's soooo soft, and my neck is soooo cold and I have no hair at the moment, and I have an idea to knit a thing that will keep me warm and 40% off, now come on girls, you just can't argue with a good sale.
I love snuggly yarn.
I love snuggly yarn on SALE!!

Here is my spot in the loungeroom - yes - my territory has been marked.
Two of my current projects, I have 15 of those oatmeal coloured squares, and today, my little Minnie was snuggled in the chair with me asking if I was doing chain. Oh joy!! Maybe I will have little fingers to teach crochet to after all. He remembered the chains, and I love how he says 'trevles' for trebles lol too beautiful.
I love this photo, it reminds me that I am one lucky girl, I have children to create for, I have hands to create, I have a home to decorate, I have money to purchase the yarn.
I love my home and those that dwell within.


  1. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    Joyce you do not need to make excuses for buying yarn EVER! Thank you for your lovely comments, I'm glad you like my blog, I've only just started but am having so much fun and "meeting" so many cool people who are as enthusiastic about craft as me! Will definately be adding you to my list and checking in!

  2. oh how wonderful, I'm with you, no excuses to purchase yarns. Your beautiful hand warmers are on my list, I have just finished another project, woo hoo, what a great feeling. Lovely to meet you, and so looking forward to getting to know you.

  3. Hello from Ana's Archive Dive
    It's really lovely to read about your special family time AND to know that you have something just for yourself that you are passionate about my husband likes to say "if mama's happy...everyone is happy" ;)

  4. isn't it funny how yarn just follows us home?

    thanks for sharing these snippets and photos... and yes, i DO love those placemats, how'd you know? i have some very similar ones :)

    have a wonderful week ahead!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.