Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Moments

I so love my winter garden. My camelia tree is still flowering and there are another lot of buds about to burst through. I am pulling off the spent flowers and thanking her for such a beautiful view from my window. I have 2 colours on this tree, the bottom half of the tree is the original pale pink camellia and this year, the top of the tree has the most beautiful darker pink flower.

I have 2 of these geraniums in pots. I was ever so tempted to snip this flower to put in a vase on my table with my new placemats, except I decided to leave it another day. Far too pretty to cut just yet and it will live longer on here. I am learning to care for these so much better, I think I was giving them too much water. After experimenting, I have found they do much better if left to dry out a bit. Gosh they are so pretty.

I needed a walk in my garden today, it's not windy, and even though it's quite cold today, I am enjoying the crisp air on my face, and the colours of the garden seem to have come alive against the grey sky. My garden smoothes out my frown, relaxes my shoulders and I just know trivial things will soon be a matter of the past.

Yes, you guessed it. Rocky Road again. My choccie fix is currently in the fridge setting.
This time made with mini mallows and gummie bears.

I know, this week was due to be a study week, however, I have been on the phone quite a bit this morning, sorting out soccer 'stuff', so have decided to leave the study books til, well, tomorrow/next week!! I know, I am a bad girl.
This lovely soft wool that I purchased yesterday the 40% off sale wool that is, is now being knitted up. I am attempting to make a neck warmer thing, but not a scarf, you shall see soon. I am really quite cold in the back of the neck at the moment and so I have started this. The band recommends I used 3.25mm needles, which I started using when I cast on last night, however, I have undone that and now using 5mm needles because that is the 'look' I want from this needle. So far, happy with result, but will keep knitting, besides, it keeps my fingers warm too.

I hope you find some lovely moments for your Monday too.

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