Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Not My Fault - Minnie Saw It First.

While waiting at the checkout today, Minnie brought to my attention this luscious, precious, mega delicious choccie tart - *sigh* I caved, I so totally caved and bought it. Not only did I get it cause my darling wants me to make that tart, but just above the tart it states 'Divinely wicked chocolate the pleasure is all yours.' (and so it shall be says me.) Then directly next to that states '36 fun and fabulous makes craft rules!' (Der, of course craft rules dude!!) Just below that promises 'knockout knits for him, you and your bub.' (Yes, yes, yes!) I need not go on, you can read the cover for yourself, you can purchase this magazine for yourself too. You can make, taste, treat, indulge, snuggle, knit and craft your way to heaven with this little mag. Oh and yes, that darling little owl at the bottom right of the page, is in there to be made as well - by you, when you get your copy too.

Funnily enough, there is a knitted pattern for a cowl in this mag, hmmmm, I am currently in the middle of knitting one, however, this one looks so much better than my made up attempt. Do I continue my knitting as I am just over half finished, or do I pull and unravel to start again using this gorgeous pattern!! I think I will keep going just to see how it turns out, maybe I will just keep mine as a scarf, then cast on and make the one in the book.

Oh and no, I do not, and have never, worked for this mag nor any of its affiliates, nor do I know any of the artists, camera peoples, cooks, crafters, painters - you get the idea.

1 comment:

  1. I grabbed a copy of that issue, too. So many fab things in it! Alas, I have read it but not made anything from it yet. Mmm chocolate & caramel, yum yum!


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