Monday, May 31, 2010

5 Faves

Thanks Pip at :: Meet Me At Mikes for the 5 faves game. I love seeing what others love about their week. Ok so my 5 faves -

Number One - Playing 'Simon Says' on paper with my children, we all 'hide' our work and one person gives the instructions, then at the end we all check out each others creations. Loads of fun.

Number Two - Imagination on paper.

Number Three - Hmmmm, mandarines.

Number Four - Total cost of ingredients $6.12. All I need to add is fresh chives and parsley and we have pumpkin soup for 3 nights. (Pumpkin = 0.70c per kilo - what a total bargain!!)

Number Five - I heart tupperware.

Pop over to Pips to check out others and add your own five faves. Would love to see them.


  1. What a cool variation on the Simon Says theme, righto I'm off to find some children! (Oh that sounds a bit creepy I mean my own kids not just any generic type children that I don't belong to!)

  2. Hi Kylie, it's so much fun, we all hide from each other and take turns to call out the instructions, or you can do a picture each. It's amazing to see the results. Have fun finding your children, let me know how you go with it. (the game that is, not the children).


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.