Friday, July 2, 2010

No More Sleeps To Go!

You are reading the words of one excited Mumma, a Mumma that is spending this Friday dancing, cleaning, putting away, dancing, filing, sorting, washing, dancing, and generally removing as many chores as she can today. You see, at 3pm my sweet little ones come home from school and we are on holidays. I will have 16 school free days in a row with my little monkeys, my darling, smiling, so very tired cause it's been a long term little boys.

I was honestly, so very tempted to keep them both home from school today, but that wouldn't be fair, the last day of term is just as important as all the others, they love their little friends and I know that today will be a restful day for them. Packing up term 2, tidying their little desks, spending time with their friends. It would be selfish of me to keep them home today, despite the fact that my youngest had a total meltdown this morning and just couldn't for the life of him decide what pants to wear to school. (He has a choice of navy shorts or navy long pants.)

I am cleaning house and completing chores to the sounds of Inka Marka and more here. We have one of their albums, and I would love to get another. They have a website, however, I am unable to get into any of the downloadable songs on there. I so love their music, it makes me dance. It's so lovely to dance, let yourself be free and dance, dance, dance.

Vanilla candles are drifting their sweet scent through the house to get rid of the vinegar smell. (I clean with vinegar and it makes me hungry for hot chips - lol) It's a perfect day for candles, very cold and cloudy, misting rain.

I have much to do, so will be on my way. I wish you all a wonderful weekend, and I apologise if I am slightly absent from my blog, but I know you understand, and I promise to share our adventures real soon.

Make sure you find time to dance, it really is such a wonderful thing.


  1. Mmmm yum, vinegar chips sound mighty fine! We are looking forward to the two weeks off too. It's so relaxing not having to be anywhere at a given time isn't it? Hope you have a great time with your boys.

  2. Happy dancing, happy holidays....Max is spending the 1st week with me so cannot wait to do "jammie days", walks in the park & just hanging out together!! Enjoy your family time!!

  3. Hi Sarah and TK, the house is looking wonderful about now. I have even sorted through the colouring books and journals, ready for little fingers to write and draw and colour. We have jammie days on our list as well, as baking, playdoh and movie days. Enjoy your holidays, oh I can almost hear all the Mumma's counting down together now. How wonderful.

  4. Hope you all have a wonderful time over the school holidays! Sounds like you have a lot of fabulous projects and activities planned, Joyce.

    I'm loving your crochet square - the colours are so good together!

  5. hi Alysha, thank you and I look forward to popping on here now and then to check out your loveliness too.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.