Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What's On Your Table - Tuesday.

Not an iron that's for sure.
The slack chic didn't iron her tablecloth AGAIN!! On the up side of that, I am saving electricity, which is good for the environment. This cloth come from my hubbies Pops place. It's very summery, and has a lovely two-tone blue swirl all around the edge. I nearly didn't take it when hubbie's Mum asked me if I wanted it, but I am so glad I did. I could really see this in a wrap skirt with a little blue gathered hem and blue wrap ties.
(I can see everything being made into a wrap skirt lately)

Ok onto today's table. I have study books to the top left, yes, getting some done today woo hoo, (it's about time girlie - says the voice in my head). Then right in front of me, I have the NSW Foundation Font which I found last night, downloaded and also found the trace version which I have printed out for my little fellow. I tried finding the font so that I can share it here for those that would like it, however, can't find it. Grrrr, but if you would like it, please let me know, and I will see if I can locate it.

I am not sure if it's because I am left-handed, but my boys struggled with letter formation, I actually think that my eldest SHOULD be left-handed. I am about to put little arrows at the beginning of each letter to show direction and rule more lines. This set is for my youngest.

I have a cup of rosehip tea and my homemade banana cake for sustenance. The rosehip tea is divine, smells very pretty and looks very pink. It is in a cup that my youngest bought for me from the Mothers Day stall at preschool last year, there were choccies inside it (yes, THAT's the reason he chose that gift, aahhhh, my darling boy.) The plate it rests on I have had for years, bought at a garage sale, I got 2 of them they are made in England and have the stamp on the back of them. I have no idea how 'valuable' they are, I just know they are pretty and the perfect size for a piece of cake and cuppa.

So what is on your table this Tuesday?
It could be your coffee table, your side table, your studio table.


  1. I am so totally appalled that you didn't iron your tablecloth!! - does anoyone iron tablecloths?? (yes thats right my mother does!!!)

    Have joined in with a piccie of my table today, thank goodness I am not showing the loungeroom it is a HUGE DISASTER ZONE!!! Quilt from Maxie's bed dumped in a corner, TV controls on floor, washing draped all over the place trying to get dry!!!! X-Box cases lying around - you know - just generally a BIG MESS!!! - it really is on my to-do list today to get it all cleaned up!!! I promise!! Happy Tuesday, ps - what are you studying if I can be so nosey!! TK

  2. hi joyce,
    lovin your swirls! i'm sewing a bag for a friend today..

  3. Love your teacup and plate! Rosehip tea is so good, huh? I love the scent and it so zesty in taste.

  4. hi TK, I know, so does my Mum. I am a bad girl. I love your table, thank you so much for joining in. Part of having my blog is it's mine, all mine, and so I try to keep my family out of this space, however, family tends to creep in, which can't be helped, but that's ok, as long as 90% of this blog space is MY journey and my thoughts. That's why I started the Tuesday Table. A table journey that probably tells alot more of a story about my days, than me nattering away about what I am doing. It will be interesting to pop back here this time next year and see what was on my table. Ha, probably the same set of study books, the rate I am travelling. lol. I am studying Teachers Aide (Special) or TAS. I love being in the classroom, but not a theory girl at all. I learn better when it's hands on.
    Hi Angelina, thanks for your comments, yes I am happy with this swirly orange blog now, it's very me and lovely and bright. Looking forward to seeing your bag that you are making.
    Hi Alysha, oh YES, the rosehip tea is lovely, thanks for putting me onto it. very more-ish and refreshing.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.