Friday, June 11, 2010

My little fellow pulled out this puzzle tonight and put it together. I couldn't help but laugh, he had this when he was a bub and used to love it. Of course tonight, he put it together in a flash, but still had just as much fun. Every now and then he will get his 'baby' toys/games out and go over them. His hands look so big on the pieces.

You know, I was planning on using this puzzle to alter. Using the back, a puzzle piece for each letter of the boys names, alter them and put them on their bedroom walls. I still want to do that, however, might leave it a bit longer.

It's a long weekend here in NSW to celebrate the Queens birthday. Happy Birthday your Majesty. Here's cheers to you. (I think her real birthday is in May, so belated wishes from Australia)

Have a lovely long weekend to those that get it. Plans for me include, a weekend with my boys, watching some of this - Go Aussies!!, snuggling, eating, drinking, crochet, sleeping, possibly reading, crochet, snuggling, crochet, cooking, beach walking, snuggling and a little crochet.

What's on at your place this lovely weekend?


  1. Your idea for the jigsaw pieces sounds great! Something for the boys to keep, too.

    Ah, long weekends! Your weekend plans sound lovely. Similar plans here tho no local beach to walk on. I'm planning on getting some knitting in somewhere & baking scones.

    What kind of things do you enjoy cooking?

  2. oohhh I heart scones, we have just gone through a double batch of mini pumpkin scones here this week. Looking forward to seeing your knitting come to life. Today I made a basic sultana cake and iced with lemon icing. Looking forward to munching that with my family on the weekend. I have not combined the sultana/lemon in a cake before, so am looking forward to tasting this one. I go through stages with cooking, where I will just make boring stuff all the time, then get a burst, pull out my recipe books and go to town with all sorts of different meals. I am not a huge seafood person, so don't really go there, but pretty much will try everything else.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.