Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Envelope Project

Here above are my 8 items for The Envelope Project.
Pattern for a lovely hat, beaded bookmark, sparkly purple organza ribbon, altered piece of jigsaw puzzle, pale pink crochet flower friendship ring, crochet rainbow coloured envelope and a little cloud (cause sometimes we need rain), and a little umbrella (sometimes we need a little shelter)
Pop over here → the envelope project to join in.

Closeup of all the goodies, into the envelope.
Ready to be posted to Pip.

As for the vencho and ponst - *sigh* it's not happening, well it's not happening with this lot of granny squares in any case. It's not sitting just right, it's not looking good. Back to the original idea of the snuggle rug for me. That's ok though, because I had lots of fun, and I am still going, so promise to share when completed. All is not lost, that is the beauty of creating, step, by step, it comes together, whatever it ends up being.

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