Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Home Made Wintery Yum

Home made Pumpkin Soup and Damper.

This is a winner at our place, wow, not an argument, not a spill, not a whine, not a screwed up nose, not a dropped spoon, not a skerrick remained. Told you it was a winner at our place tonight. Oh and no, I haven't starved my family all week in readiness either.

ok so here is what I used, and I can share this with you, cause it's just what I made.
1 large butternut pumpkin
1 large 'gold' sweet potato
2 large 'lady christle' potatoes
2 large carrots
1 large zucchini
1 whole garlic
Tbsp chopped chives
sprinkle of curry powder
approx 1 1/2 cups water

Large saucepan, all ingredients skinned and chopped into approx 3cms pieces. Cook until the lot is a squishy, mushy, soggy and well, you know, soft. Off heat to cool before putting in batches into food processor. Store in glass container in fridge.

To serve, take out small portion, mix with milk (or cream) to consistency required (some like it thick, some like it thin), heat on stovetop, stirring constantly so not to burn, or individual portions in microwave and serve sprinkled with chives. Serve with damper, garlic bread etc etc.

You can also add ginger and fresh parsley however, I didn't have these today.

Can't share damper recipe, however, just google.

What's for dinner at your place tonight?


  1. Yum! I am making this tonight. We are having friends over for dinner plus I get to use my soup tureen!

  2. Hey - how did you go with it? My boys want it again this week, lol. I don't have a soup tureen.

  3. Very yummy! Everyone loved it.
    I love my Tureen, its a blue stoneware one from the 70s. My mother-in-law gave it to me. It has matching bowls and ladle. It's the kind of thing that is usually orange or green and brown and no one wants any more because they aren't fashionable but I had never seen a blue one before and did the happy dance when she offered it to me.

  4. hey this comment come up in my moderator list thing. grrrr, ok am on top of it now. Ohhhh, I would love to be handed down a soup tureen set in any colour. oh I think orange would be awesome with my new placemats. Hmmmm, I think a spot of op-shopping is on my list for this week. So glad the soup was a hit. So delish!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a lovely day at your place.