Monday, February 22, 2010

Old Top - New Top

Old Top

New Top

It's an old top with a new hem. I quite like it, I do.

This top is so very old, its faded, it's far from current fashion, but Ohhhh, how it's soft, and how it's cool. Since I wear my shorts on the hip these days, I needed to lengthen the top just a little to cover my middle. This is all it needed.

Yes, yes, I know, high wasted is all the rage again now, but I am far from the height of fashion, and quite like it that way.

I had some tiny blue seed beads to also put in the middle of each little flower, but have decided against this. The fabric stripes and lace in the top all run from the shoulder down, so putting the blue beads along the bottom in the flowers will probably just look a bit 'try hard' and 'ick'.

So now I have a 'new' top back in my wardrobe. It's been hanging there for so long now, not being worn and it ended up in the spare wardrobe at one stage as I thought it would make a very pretty little dilly bag (those very cute round draw-string bags that I love so much, and still have on my list to make one day).

Have you revamped an old fav lately? Would love to see.

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