Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Work In Progress........

........As soon as I work out what exactly I am making here! lol.

Well I am going to keep it to myself for just a little longer, however, what you see now, may well end up being circular, as the further I progress, the more I am sure it would be more user friendly if it were round.

Does this item have a use you ask? Yes, I do have something in mind for this, however, just need to work out 'getting there', and functionality of the finished product. (hmmmm, round,. . I do like circles and curves, so much more pleasing to the eye than edges and corners.........)

So stay tuned, and I shall reveal more/all soon. I can just 'feel' how excited you all are....... waiting....... waiting......... *giggle*.


  1. Scarf maybe? Looks good anyway! I wish that I could crochet!

  2. lol, yes, it would make a lovely long summer scarf, and if I can find more of the cotton, I will make one. But, no, this project isn't a scarf. I have managed to finish it and will test it out tomorrow. Not sure it's going to work quite as I have in mind, but all will be revealed very soon. lol, thanks for checking in. My Mum taught me to crotchet, and she learnt from her Mum. Unfortunately I am unable to read a pattern :(, it's all mumbo, jumbo to me.

  3. Mumbo, jumbo to me too Frances, I cannot read a pattern either. I used to look over Nadias shoulder at lunch time and that is how I learnt to crochet. That was in year 6 and I never got up to crochet (remember they made a beautiful flower blanket and edged it with black wool.

  4. Oh the above comment is from me Frances, Leanne xx

  5. Leanne, lol, I just don't understand the pattern at all, I have tried, but just end up playing and doing my own pattern. Much more fun, and original too.


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